 Creating a "Multiple Questions or Form to Email" survey: Overview
There are three main steps to building your new "Mutiple Questions or Form to Email" survey. Each step appears on a separate page.
  1. Select question types and specify order
  2. Enter your questions and other information
    1. Survey Title, Author, & General Instructions
    2. Questions, Answers, & Button Name
    3. Thank You Page & Final Information
  3. Review and publish your survey

The first step is to select the type of questions you want and the order in which they will appear. Next you will enter text for the questions and other parts of your survey. The final step is to review your work.

After you ask us to publish your survey, we will send the web address of your survey to your email address. Your survey will be available to your audience for 30 days.

All you do is get the web address of your survey out to your audience as soon as possible. You can publish it in email messages, newsletters, posters, web sites, or anywhere else. Only people who know the web address of your survey will be able to add their opinions.

 A. Select question types and specify order

Question 1 - review types

Question 2 - review types

Question 3 - review types

Question 4 - review types

Question 5 - review types

Question 6 - review types

Question 7 - review types

Question 8 - review types

Question 9 - review types

Question 10 - review types

You can create from 1 to 10 questions in this survey. Read the Question Types page for information about the different types of questions available. There is much more detailed information, such as maximum length character for each question, on the Survey Specifications page.

You can use as many of the questions you want up to 10. To not use a question, simply do NOT select a question type.

 Ready for the next step?

Next you will enter the text for your survey and all the questions. Before you enter text, be sure that you have the question types in the final order that you want them. After you enter text you can still change the order by using the back button but you will loose all the text that you have entered.

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