Survey Specifications
There are three main categories to survey. In each category there are elements that you, the publisher will determine. The specifications for those elements listed below.
Survey Title - 100 characters Author's Name - 100 characters Button Name - 45 characters
Question - 1,000 characters. More can be entered but will not be saved. Answers
Either Or - 45 characters
Several Selections - 100 characters
One of Ten - 45 characters
Audience input - 100 characters
Telephone Numbers - 45 characters
USA Zip Code - 15 characters
Text Entry 500 - 500 characters
Text Entry 1,000 - 1,000 characters
Thank You
Thank You - 256 characters. Appears on page after survey. Results - Display results to audience or only thank you note. Web page address - 100 characters. More information for your audience.
Question Specifications
Either Or 1. There is a limit of 1,000 characters for all questions. That is about one quarter of a page of text. Unfortunately, we can only check this amount after you have asked to preview your survey. We will delete any character beyond 1,000. Yes, this is harsh, but we all need limits. The number of characters in this paragraph is 651. If your question needs more than 1,000 characters to be explained, this is probably not the right forum for you to gather opinions. When preparing questions you might consider using a word processor to take advantage of spell checking and character count features. When the question is ready, just paste it into the field.