Silkroad Perfekt Hacks
Administrator of HackBug

1.  1. Dear customer, you must give us your Game: (ID) and (PASS), you are advised to check your in-game mail box frequently. We will call you by phone and send you an email every time a batch of Hack is delivered. You must retrieve the Hack at once in order to fend off the RMT radar and the seizure of Hack by some malignant game masters. We will not be held responsible for the lost of Hack due to your delay in retrieving the Hack mail. Thank you for your cooperation.

Pease complete the following at this page!

*First Name:

*Last Name:


*Email Address:



Work Phone:

Work Fax:

Mobile Phone:

*Home Phone:





*State or Province:

Postal Code:


4.  Please choose the hacks that you want to install


5.  Please choose your Game World to take the hack


6.  Please choose your Game World to take the hack


7.  Please choose level of your Head Character (We need this for Hack configuration!)


8.  Game(ID)


9.  Game(PASS)




Helping you improve your world -