
There's strength in numbers
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 F r e e   S u r v e y s  -  C l i c k   b e l o w
Q u i c k   P o l l s
Either Or - description
Several Selections - description
One of Ten - description

A d v a n c e d   S u r v e y s
Multiple Questions or Form to Email - description

At OpinionPower we believe it's time to give you the power to change your world. In your school, business, or community, you can now use the power of collective opinions to make things better. We have made it easy to collect the opinions of your friends, employees, or the whole world. All you need is a web browser and an email address!

Our Quick Polls and Surveys are Free!
All our quick polls and surveys are free and available to your audience for 30 days. We think that you will find lots of ways to use our services. If you want to expand your web site, influence your school board, have a company improve a product, or modify your political party's platform, just ask people for their opinions and use the results to provide direction and make changes.

We collect the data, store it, show online totals in a graph, and send all the results to you. We do the work for you, so you can focus on your ideas and goals. We bring the real power of the Internet to you and your world. Now you can gather opinions without reading through thousands of email messages. To see an example of an "Either Or" survey, click the sample image.

As a publisher, all you need is a browser and an email address. Your audience only needs access to the Internet. You can even use the local library's browser. We send you the web address of your custom survey, then you send that address to friends and colleagues or publish it in flyers, newspapers, on television, or on web sites.

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