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Survey is Magic
Big Brony

A little survey for the FiM online fanbase. Not official or endorsed by Hasbro, the creators of the show or anyone else. Information you submit is purely for curiosity-satisfying purposes and won't be given out to any organization for any reason.

1.  What's your gender?


2.  What's your age?


3.  Were you a fan/collector of any MLP properties before the new show?

The G1 toys
The G2 toys
The G3 toys
The G3.5 toys
The G4 toys
The '80s movies
The '80s cartoons
My Little Pony Tales
The direct-to-video releases

4.  What part of the world do you call home?


5.  Favorite out of the core six?


6.  Least favorite out of the core six?


7.  Favorite "villain" so far?


8.  Other than MLP, do you mostly watch animation produced in the Americas, Europe, Asia or Australia?


9.  You would go to a MLP: Friendship is Magic convention if it were...


10.  Any additional comments?


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