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Survey Specifications
There are three main categories to survey. In each category there are elements that you, the publisher will determine. The specifications for those elements listed below.

Survey Title - 100 characters
Author's Name - 100 characters
Button Name - 45 characters
Question - 1,000 characters. More can be entered but will not be saved.
  • Either Or - 45 characters
  • Several Selections - 100 characters
  • One of Ten - 45 characters
  • Audience input - 100 characters
    • Telephone Numbers - 45 characters
    • USA Zip Code - 15 characters
    • Text Entry 500 - 500 characters
    • Text Entry 1,000 - 1,000 characters
Thank You
Thank You - 256 characters. Appears on page after survey.
Results - Display results to audience or only thank you note.
Web page address - 100 characters. More information for your audience.

Question Specifications

Either Or
1.  There is a limit of 1,000 characters for all questions. That is about one quarter of a page of text. Unfortunately, we can only check this amount after you have asked to preview your survey. We will delete any character beyond 1,000. Yes, this is harsh, but we all need limits. The number of characters in this paragraph is 651. If your question needs more than 1,000 characters to be explained, this is probably not the right forum for you to gather opinions. When preparing questions you might consider using a word processor to take advantage of spell checking and character count features. When the question is ready, just paste it into the field.

Several Choices
2.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. You may have fewer than 10 selections. Leave the fields blank that you do not want to use. All selections after the field blank selection will be deleted.

User Selection One
User Selection Two - 100 characters maximum
User Selection Three
User Selection Four
User Selection Five
User Selection Six
User Selection Seven
User Selection Eight
User Selection Nine
User Selection Ten

One of Ten
3.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. You may have fewer than 10 choices. Leave the fields blank that you do not want to use. All choices after the field blank choice will be deleted.

Text Entry 500
4.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. There are no labels for this text entry field.

Text Entry 1,000
5.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. There are no labels for this text entry field. This question will allow your audience to enter up to 1,000 characters of text. This is useful when you are want to read complex opinions. You will need to explain to your audience that they can enter more than 1,000 characters but only 1,000 character will be sent to you. If your audience needs to say more, you could give them an email address. Again, you are limited to 1,000 characters to state your question and instruct your audience.

Name & Email Address
6.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. All labels and audience input fields have the same limits. Under the email field we provide a sample email address, .

First Name: (label - 45 characters maximum)

Last Name:


Email Address:


Telephone Numbers
7.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. All labels and audience input fields have the same limits.

Work Phone: (label - 45 characters maximum)

Work Fax:

Mobile Phone:

Home Phone:

Location - USA
8.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. All labels and audience input fields have the same limits except for the state and zip code information. The zip code field only accepts 15 characters. The state information is pre defined in a selection list with all 50 states. The user sees the full name of the states but the postal abbreviation of their selection is saved.

Street: (label - 45 characters maximum)



Zip Code: (label - 45 characters maximum)

Location - Global
9.  Maximum of 1,000 characters for all questions. See question type "Either Or" for details. All labels and audience input fields have the same limits.

Street: (label - 45 characters maximum)



Zip Code:


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