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Collection Techniques
When you build survey, you want people to respond. The best way to get responses is to keep your surveys short. Use only one question if possible. You can come back with a follow-up question a week later. There are times when you can't, but whenever possible, use a single question survey.

When dealing with large groups, ask questions that have pre-defined answer. This allows us to keep track of the totals for you. We can show you a graph of the latest total responses anytime online. If you let your audience enter their own answers, you are going to have to read and tabulate all their responses manually.

Two main survey techniques:
  • Use short surveys whenever possible
  • Provide answers to get tallied results online
Ways to reach your audience:
  • Email the address of your survey to your friends, associates, and family. (Please do not spam or send email to people who don't know you.)
  • Add a link on your web site to your survey
  • Ask other sites to refer people to your survey
  • Discuss your survey in relevant newsgroups
  • Include the address of your survey in printed correspondence, newsletters, or other collateral material
  • Ask people who respond to your survey to refer others
  • Publish the results of your survey on your web site and announce your next survey
  • Report your results to the media, and describe your next survey

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